Dare. Double Dare.
![Dare. Double Dare](https://www.sajory.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Dare.-Double-Dare.jpg)
Have a toy box in your office or work space, and when you get stuck in a project, or want to release a group tension, pull out a toy and see what new ideas it triggers. Different items can help with getting unstuck or inspiring new thinking. Use puppets to speak to yourself or speak “at” others when you want to send a strong message but want someone else to deliver it in a fun way. Get a box or bag and include the following items or other idea-provoking ones:
Slinky (helical metal spring)
Miniature etch a sketch
Superball B
Bubble maker
Building blocks
Double dare.
In a meeting, dump the toys on the table and invite people to use them if they feel like it. No judgement. People are afraid of playing at work. Small steps required. Research has shown that some of us are kinesthetic people, and they learn best by movement and touch. They literally think more clearly with something in their hands to manipulate. So by offering unique shapes and textures, you’re giving them permission to play around in order to think more creatively and come out of their own boxes.